finance masters of the universe boasted and swung their BSDs and brought us the Great Financial Crisis. then Obama gave them a mulligan.
tech masters of the universe boast and are on the verge of giving us bigger, crazier crises.
i think what follows is an age of wrath. no telling who will burn.
@interfluidity Well that or shadowrun. Kind of unsettling how close to it we are.
@interfluidity There’s a strong 1789 vibe for sure. The doré régime cannot control whatever is coming.
@interfluidity Bubbles tend to leave behind houses, fiber optic lines, or railroad lines. The South Sea at least promised operating profits. Crypto has the same prospectus as a tulip.
LLM's are useful, but the investment level is justified by insanely profitable firms who are terrified someone else's AI might bridge their moat, and so compete for a single chip designer, from a single chip fab, using a single wafer lithographer.
The reckoning isn't near, but it is growing.