I absolutely don't know what I'm doing but I'll give it a shot @completethehaiga
@eperales Hi nice poem, but for a haiga you should be using a haiku or senryu.
If you’re not familiar with those forms, there are some great resources I can point you to.
@completethehaiga it's my fault for not Googling first. I'll be glad to do some reading if you care to share.
Looking forward to next week's challenge!
@eperales for haiku (and senryu) forget about the 5-7-5 business taught in grade school, it’s based off a misunderstanding of mora.
In general a haiku should juxtapose two images and have some manner of seasonality to it. Senryu have the same form but deal in more human matters.
This is a good summary of modern english haiku: https://thehaikufoundation.org/haikunow-contemporary-haiku/
@completethehaiga thanks for the pointers! I'll do my homework
@eperales glad I could provide some pointers. there are some great resources out there!
@eperales you have a haiku hidden in your piece though:
silver trail
behind my hand
what lies ahead?