Today's card is The Lovers
Nobody knows for certain what's going to happen in the future so we can only make decisions based on what we already know to be true.
Today's card is Page of Pentacles
Money is pointless if there's nothing affordable to spend it on.
Today's card is 3 of Cups
Celebrate life with people that like to turn negatives into positives.
Today's card is King of Swords
Some knowledge should only ever be shared on a need to know basis.
Today's card is 4 of Cups
For whatever reason, not everything will go the way we planned, and not everyone will behave the way we expect them to.
Today's card is Queen of Swords
We make better decisions for our future when we clear our heads of fake news and other people's opinions.
Today's card is 5 of Pentacles
If you're doing all you can, but still not where you want to be, then it's time to ask for help. There may be an unexpected solution.
Today's card is The Sun
The people that shine brightest have absolutely nothing to hide.
Today's card is 9 of Wands
There's no need to stay around people that don't share your views. Even if it means you walk alone for a while.
Today's card is 4 of Wands
Make time to have fun. All work and no play is not what life is about.
Today's card is Death
Nothing ever truly dies. The memories live on forever.
Today's card is Page of Swords
Anyone that thinks they know everything needs to think again.