Recapping last year’s publications:
My article “Unveiling the strategic discourse of European dairy industry pressure groups” was published in the Journal for Human-Animal Studies.
It analyzes how the European dairy industry uses strategic communication to influence narratives and policies, aligning with current environmental, health, and animal welfare concerns while contradicting them.
New book by Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine, Kenneth Mentor
"Violence and Harm in the Animal Industrial Complex
Human-Animal Entanglements"
#animalstudies #criticalanimalstudies #animalindustrialcomplex
Just re-encountered this piece in Calarco’s Thinking Through Animals (2015) again. Finding so much to chew on today…
Spreading the gospel (#CriticalAnimalStudies) to #CityGovernance lawyers and scholars tomorrow!
I am a #VisualArtist and #researcher who just finished my #phd in #criticalanimalstudies and #artisticresearch at Edge Hill Uni UK. #vegan in Sweden with #rescuedog Jodie .
Inside #studio I’m working with #drawing, #text and #performance. Outside studio I’m #teaching #art at an #artschool, #lecturing on #animals in #arthistory and #animalethics in #artpractice.
Deals with Sweden’s turn towards #authoritarianism with #antifascist friends from #feminism and #intersectionality
Next week I am doing a performance in the form of a guided tour at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. It’s free to attend but you have to book a spot. It’s on Friday at 10AM.
During the performance I will address the visible and invisible Fauna of the Art Museum, with the help of counter art histories, speaking on feathers, an ox, and the connection between milk and white pigments. Come by!
I am a visual artist and researcher within critical animal studies and artistic research (phd, edge hill university, cfhas). Based in Sweden with rescue dog Jodie . Teaching, lecturing and performing.
Open for discussions to learn from and a community that is willing to educate me.
Trying to deal with the authoritarian turn of Sweden. I believe in intersectional anti-fascist and feminist movement.
Dear Void… just an #introduction
I’m Hugo, a #philosophy and #law #gradstudent at #Stellenbosch Uni in South Africa. Currently working on my LLM thesis in the #legalphilosophy of #animallaw. Broadly, my research draws on #decolonial theory, #criticalanimalstudies , #ecofeminism , and #posthumanism to displace #anthropocentrism as a quasi-transcendental limit of legal discourse.
Other interests include #psychoanalysis #queertheory #litfic #poetry #architecture
Uhm yeah, see y’all around