Spotlight on Small Press: Valancourt Books
Valancourt Books is a hidden gem in the world of small presses. For years, they’ve been steadily building an impressive catalog of “Gothic, horror, and supernatural fiction”, bringing readers chilling tales and forgotten classics.
Here’s a link to their Robert Bloch books, and you should also check out The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories, volume 1, which features horror and weird fiction from around the world. It will definitely expand your horizons.
In fact, check out their entire catalogue.
Valancourt Books champions forgotten literary treasures, giving new life to neglected authors and their works. From their website:
Of course, there are many great authors and works that don’t fit into either of the first two categories but are still in need of rediscovery and republication. Our series of 18th- and 19th-century classics features many titles once regarded as important works of English fiction but now badly neglected, such as the late 18th-century bestsellers Chrysal by Charles Johnstone and Zeluco by John Moore, and Victorian authors like Walter Pater, Ouida, Marie Corelli, and Hall Caine.
As we have expanded our focus into more modern fiction, we have also reprinted the works of many of the most distinguished and important 20th century novelists, including the first American editions in decades of works by David Storey, John Braine, John Wain, Keith Waterhouse, Piers Paul Read, and J.B. Priestley.
The small press is responsible for bringing so much horror fiction to readers, and it’s a labor of love. I’m grateful for them.
(I’m also grateful to the Patreons who keep The Lovecraft eZine going.)