Some beautiful French fannies for a late #FannyFriday
Achille Devéria (1800–1857)
The typical, hairless and slit-less fanny of Graeco-Roman art. Hair removal was the fashion but art of bushy fannies does exist. Labia are equally rare in art, so a nude mons veneris is all we get from the Greeks and Romans most of the time.
Love your fanny this #ValentinesDay
If you have a partner, let them love and caress her, and if you don't, give her a good massage yourself.
At the risk of getting ahead of myself, here’s an advanced bundle from the annals of #PhallusThursday and #FannyFriday courtesy of the amazing Moche culture which flourished between 100-800 CE in what is now Peru.
A #neoclassical fanny, complete with slit, that belongs to the goddess Diana.
Let's celebrate #FannyFriday with the virgin huntress
Diana the Huntress by Jean-Antoine Houdon, 1786 CE
I missed #PhallusThursday yesterday, so you are getting #PhallusThursday and #FannyFriday in one post today
This little phallus is the cock of the walk, getting to choose between three fannies!
Note the pubic hair on the fannies - it's the "bristles" that got the vulva nicknamed "piggy" in ancient Greek.
Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday
"Kypris [Aphrodite], you who are the first mother of our race, defend us who are sprung from your blood. We come to you, crying out in prayers for your divine ears."
The Theban women in Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus
#Aphrodite with Stephane crown, terracotta, 150–125 BCE, #Myrina
@antiquidons @mythology
#DayOfAphrodite #mythology #FannyFriday
This ancient #EgyptianArt show a prominent mons veneris but no slit or labia, similar to many female nudes from the ancient Mediterranian. Maybe it's to suggest some cover-up from this truly gorgeous dress?
These two make good on their #NewYears resolution of doing more sports
We start #FannyFriday with six vulvas for extra luck in this #newyear2025
Erotic relief, Via Veneto, Rome
Out with the old!
For the last #FannyFriday of the year I wish you sweet, relaxing last days of 2024 and may there always be a chamber pot when you need it.
Note the pubic hair on this red figure vase painting of a woman urinating standing up, truly making a statement.
#Hermes politely averts his eyes while #Athena looks on with scorn as #Aphrodite bares all.
Byzantine pyxis depicting Hermes, Aphrodite, and Athene, 5th century CE
Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday
"The one who strengthens someone in pain,
Who comforts a young one in love,
Who makes the dancer beautiful over drinks,
That god has descended to the ground,
Offering a calming lovespell for mortals,
A medicine against grief,
The vine’s child, wine."
Anacreonta 56
#Aphrodite crowning a Herm of #Dionysos, Myrina 150-100 BCE
@antiquidons @mythology
#DayOfAphrodite #mythology #FannyFriday
A woman having fun like the menz? She must be a prostitute!
Red Figure Kylix attributed to Onesimos ca 490 BCE - woman reveller playing kottabos
"Words spoken over a female figure of clay. As for any of the suffering in the belly, the affliction shall go down from him into the female figure of Isis until he is healthy."
Unfired clay figurine of unknown provenance, 2055-1650 BCE, Egypt
Our forebears had the GIMP mask all figured out.
Anthropomorphic figurine made of marine ivory, Bering Strait, #Alaska, 1st millennium BCE
The #kajutajuq is a #monster from Inuit #mythology. She's a head with no body and no arms, just feet. In place of cheeks, she bares breasts and on her chin, a vulva. She lingers in the igloos abandoned by migrating camps, surprising people who enter looking for a place to stay.
Katjutaiyuk Walking by #Inuit artist Aisa Amittu