Maps of most popular 1st and 2nd #religions in #India. Including lesser-known #DonyiPolo (Sun-Moon) religion in the North-East and #Sarnaism (#religion of #sacred #grove) in Central India (I would assume that they lumped Sarnaism and #Koyapunem together).
It's kinda wild that #Zoroastrianism (#Parsi) doesn't raise to the top 2 in any territory, but maybe that's because Parsis are mostly living close to big urban centers?
@mostaleoht Do have any insight into that tiny Islamic area on the west coast of South India?
@jrandom I really didn't know, but managed to figure it out just now. It seems to be Malappuram district in Kerala. And about it, Wiki says:
> Islam became majority due to the conversion of the majority backward-caste and Dalit population in the late 19th century.
So there is an explanation!
@mostaleoht Nice find! Thank you!